V-Hotel, Bonn, VHotel, VHotelBonn, Hotel, familiengeführt, umweltbewusst, nachhaltig, individuell, empfohlen, Venusberg, Kottenforst, Glücksort, NRW, Deutschland, Wald, Natur, comeinfeelgreen, Come in feel green, Nachhaltigkeit, Sustainability, Designhotel, Design-Hotel, Design, Kunst, modern, Tagungshotel, Workshop, Seminar, Kick-off, Weihnachtsfeier, Event, Baumhaushotel, Baumhaus-Hotel, Baumhaus, Baumhäuser, Zimmer, Einzelzimmer, Doppelzimmer, Suite, Junior Suite, Frühstück, Ferien, Sommerferien, Osterferien, Herbstferien, Weihnachtsferien, Urlaub, Kurzurlaub, Städtetrip, Wochenende, Auszeit, Nichtraucherhotel, Frühstück, vegetarisch, vegan, Obstsalat, selbst gemacht, Kaffee, gesund, frisch, Honeymoon, Geburtstag, Jahrestag, verliebt, LGBTQIA+, LGBTQIA-freundlich, LGBTQIA-friendly, Überraschung, E-Ladestation, Ladestation, kostenfreies W-Wlan, kostenlos Parken, Parkplatz, Minibar, Beethoven, Politik, Sightseeing, Waldbaden, Museum, Museumsmeile, Wandern, Spazieren, Joggen, Radfahren, Ruhe, Relaxen, Übernachtung. übernachten, Reisen, Reise, Rhein, Siebengebirge, Wanderlust, vier Sterne, tree house, tree house hotel, vacation, conference hotel, seminar hotel, city trip, Germany, hôtel design, durabilité, cabane dans les arbres, hôtel cabane dans les arbres, vacances, hôtel de conférence, hôtel pour séminaires, séjour en ville, Allemagne, duurzaamheid, boomhut, hotel Tree House, vakantie, conferentiehotel, seminar hotel, excursie naar de stad, Duitsland

Refuel sustainably with our e-charging station!

Pretty smart, our e-charging station pays off twice! For you and our environment . While you relax and recharge your batteries with an overnight stay at the V-Hotel, your electric car can be recharged at one of our two Tesla fast charging stations.

Benefit as a direct booker from our current special rate 0,30 €/kW by booking your overnight stay at the V-Hotel Bonn directly here via our homepage, by e-mail rezeption@v-hotel.de or by phone: 0228/971 445 0.

We would be happy to reserve an e-charging station for you for your overnight stay. Please inform us of this wish by activating the field e-car charging station in the booking process under extras and wishes.

Of course, the charging stations can be used by all e-cars. By the way, parking is free for all guests. And electric cars can also park for free at many parking ticket machines in Bonn . Pretty clever!

403,000 kg

CO2 avoided
since the V-Hotel opened in 2014

We are sustainable

Come in, feel green! Our motto since the first idea was to design this hotel as a smart building and to run it as sustainably and energy-efficiently as possible. Many talk about sustainability, we do something!

Geschenkgutschein Valentinstag

Gift idea: gift certificate

For all True Joy Makers, Bright Eyes Charmers, Sustainable Gift Givers and perhaps also last-minute idea seekers: Relaxed selected online, sent by mail or by post, our lovingly designed value voucher is a magical Valentine’s surprise and can be redeemed for the entire V-Hotel offer!

Our breakfast

An extensive breakfast on this magnificent forest terrace in the middle of Bonn’s Kottenforst … So you enjoy the perfect start to the day! And it’s no squirrel secret: our breakfast could easily become your favorite breakfast!